Subject: OT GOOGOLPLEX RELEASED Date: Mon, 04 Nov 1996 00:00:00 GMT From: (Roland Rashleigh-Berry) Organization: The Microsoft Network ( Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Solo Auditing to OT Googolplex Technical Bulletin, 26th October 1996 Introduction I have had sufficient requests from freezoners, existing Scientologists and non-Scientologists (wogs)* to justify my releasing the highest conceivable level materials that enables a person to solo-audit up to full OT Googolplex. *(The term "wog" is not derogatory. It stands for "Well-intentioned Occidental Gentlefolk", those who have not as yet cognited as to the benefits of Scientology. I hope non-Scientologists will not mind my using this term from time to time when I refer to them. It saves space and no insult is intended). However - a word of warning. This auditing action should only be undertaken by an OT8 who is a true and valuable final product of the Scientology Grade Chart. (If you have not fully made the grade then this auditing action will prove fatal. You will die just like any wog would who attempted it. If you are unsure of any grade attained or you have falsely attested to any grade then you must go back to that grade, redo it and honestly achieve it. If you are an OT8 but in your solo-sessions you have never encountered the electrical phenomena associated with auditing out implants then again you should not attempt this auditing action and you should instead insist on being sent to review. You must be genuinely highly skilled in the practice of "blowing by inspection" otherwise this auditing action will prove fatal, not only to you but possibly to those around you as well). Also some advice to our wog readers. You must not attempt this auditing action. It would almost certainly prove fatal and in your aberrated condition there is no possible benefit it could give you. You have to be at the correct level of the Grade Chart before you can attempt this action. There are no short-cuts to moving up the Bridge. Also in reading this or any other passage of text you should not go past any word you do not understand. The only reason a person gives up the study of a subject is because of going past misunderstood words (MUs). If you encounter any word you do not understand then look it up in a good dictionary (not a dinky dictionary) including the derivation of the word. Use this word in at least three sentences or until you feel you fully understand the word. Only then continue reading. In addition, since this article contains many Scientology terms, you will need a technical dictionary or at least a comprehensive printout of these terms and their meanings. The Redesign of the E-meter I had often suspected that to audit levels above OT8 would require a redesign of the E-meter. As you climb higher on the Bridge you move in the direction of a greater simplicity. The E-meter as it stands (the Mark VII or the Quantum) had become too complex. As a result, I undertook a few thousand hours of research and have greatly simplified and improved the E-meter. (The new meter is only suitable for the highest levels of the Bridge - beyond OT8. It in no way replaces the current versions which are still valid for levels up to and including OT8). Having two E-meters I selected one and commenced modifications on it. The underlying principle behind my redesign was to evolve the meter in the direction of greater simplicity. I started to remove those parts which I thought were no longer strictly necessary. There is much circuitry devoted to enabling technical supervisors to monitor sessions. This is done through a special jack-plug that gets inserted in the back of the meter. But since to monitor solo-sessions at advanced levels of the Bridge can be dangerous, I removed all these connection and associated circuitry. This I did using a new pair of wire-strippers and long- nosed pliers. I instantly "felt better" about the new meter and proceeded in the same vein. The digital display showing date and time I decided to remove. To have this display only validates "time" in any case. "Time" is the primary aberration of thetans and true OTs are contemptuous of it. Having the time display there would invalidate OT gains so I removed it. The meter was looking simpler and lighter. I knew I was moving in the right direction. Next was the digital TA counter. Although session down-TA is a good indicator of progress at lower levels of the Bridge, at higher levels it can act as an invalidation since an OT often blows charge by inspection before it even gets a chance to read on the meter. Thus in solo-sessions most of the charge that gets as-ised is not recorded as session down-TA . Put simply, the TA counter is of no value at upper levels of the Bridge. I removed it carefully. I was left with a simpler meter but I felt something radical was needed. I then cognited that the original design of the meter, the Whetstone Bridge circuit and amplifier, would be the correct starting point for the new meter. I studied the circuit diagram carefully after which I removed all but the original circuitry. I was pleased with the result. The new meter was lighter and I felt it inherently more correct. But where should I go from there? I was stuck for a while until I could come up with something. I then cognited again with the realization that Simplicity should be the overriding factor and the meter should reflect the essential nature of the thetan at the highest levels of the Bridge. At these highest levels, the thetan is returning to its natural state which is a sort of nothingness (or static having no mass, no wavelength and no location). The meter, in order to be suitable, had to reflect the nature of the thetan at these levels. Since the thetan is basically a nothingness, I realized that it was wrong to represent him as a mass with resistance which is what the Whetstone Bridge was doing. It was a radical step but I knew it would be the correct one. Using wire-cutters and pliers I removed all the components inside the meter leaving an empty shell. I felt, at first, that I had arrived at the ultimate design for the E-meter. The space inside the now empty shell validated me as a non-physical Being. I was making much more rapid progress in my solo-auditing - at least by a factor of ten. But would this be the meter to take me to the very highest levels of the Bridge? Something, I thought, was still wrong. A little bit of theory The reason we are not super-powerful thetans, willingly and knowingly at cause over ourselves and all existence is purely due to our own considerations and our deliberately not-knowing or forgetting that we are cause. We are really at cause in any case otherwise the universe would not exist for us. The only difference is that we are not KNOWING AND WILLING CAUSE. Our considerations have changed into our being the product of the universe rather than its source which is what we really are. What we have to do to regain our true powers is to change our considerations. Changing our considerations sounds simple, but we have a problem. Some of these considerations have become unavailable to us and have been swamped with force - whole track incidents that have momentarily blotted out our awareness. We have been forced to accept non-optimum considerations about ourselves. What we need to do is release the force (or charge) to recover our postulates and considerations. But how do we release this charge? What holds it in place? One method by which it is held in place is through the existence of aberrated stable data that we cling on to to hold back confusions. However it is purely because we hold onto these aberrated stable data that the confusion (or charge) remains in place. Once we see these aberrated stable data "as-is", they blow and so does the charge associated with it. There is another way charge can stay in place. That is when the determination to achieve a goal becomes thwarted - eventually by the same people trying to achieve it. They sort of change round to the opposite of what they are trying to achieve and then when all has failed they reformulate a new goal that in some way will help them fulfill the original goal. As so it goes on. A thetan, who is naturally very powerful, applies their own force against themselves in this way. With each goal you have terminals that oppose that goal and terminals that would oppose them etc. If you can find the sequence of this for each goal and relieve the tension contained within it then all charge will be released and ones counter-intentions and non-optimum postulates and considerations become accessible. You can then change these and recover your native powers as a thetan. When discharging these goals, an actual electrical effect takes place if done correctly. In identifying the correct sequence of terminals and opposing terminals (oppterms for short) you get a small but sudden electrical discharge. There is a certain read on the E-meter called a rocket-read that is characteristic of this. To cut a long story short and to cut out a lot of technical data, I arrived at the following conclusion. To audit this pattern out I concluded that it was too slow to find these things. The best way was to re-stimulate these terminals and oppterms using against them the very effect they manifested - an electrical discharge. What was needed was a source of electricity that changed the direction of discharge. This change would have to be at the optimum frequency. Since on OTs charge blows very fast I estimated this optimum frequency to be in the range of 50Hz to 60Hz. To make sure the terminals and oppterms were sufficiently stimulated, obviously more than the puny output of a standard E-meter was required. It would have to be something much higher. I cognited again! The Final Design I was correct about my reservation for my new E-meter. There was a still simpler form of it possible. I realized that the empty meter shell was an unnecessary complication in itself. I removed it. I was left with two cans, the connecting wires (plus crocodile clips) and the jack-plug. Could it be made simpler still. I then cognited that the jack-plug no longer served a purpose so through a flash of inspiration I cut it off, separated the two wires and bared their ends. But where was I going to find a high-voltage source with a 50Hz-60Hz frequency? Finally the design fell into place. I knew I was seconds away from making the greatest discovery yet in this universe. I rummaged in my tool-box and found a fused 13 Amp three-pinned plug. Using a screwdriver I opened the plug and secured the two bared wires to the "live" and "neutral" terminals. I resealed the plug and then it was done. Thousands of years of spiritual searching was at an end. The hopes and goals of all men lay before me. It was simplicity itself and I had discovered it. Mankind could at last be free - and all that was required was a plug, two wires, two crocodile clips and two tin cans. Was I ready to take this final plunge and achieve the state of full OT Googolplex? I knew it would take all my OT powers to navigate this final journey. Was I ready for it? I felt fine but I checked my metab. on the other meter. All was well. I was about to make the final journey. "This is the Session" The plug was in, the switch on, the cans lay on my bed. They were live. I was ready to go. I was to embark on my final journey. I had to admit to myself that I was nervous. I was also excited. My palms were sweating in anticipation. So much better, I thought, for making a good electrical connection. I knew this auditing action could be harmful to my MEST body so I cleared all the objects I could out of the room. My time had come. In seconds I would be full OT Googolplex or I would perish in the attempt. I was the first person in all of history to make this journey. Would I survive? This counter-intention I as-ised. This would be a tone 40 session. There was room for no counter-intention. I was ready to begin. In a clear and commanding voice I almost shouted "This is the session" as my hands came down on the cans. I gripped them intentionally to start with, involuntarily instantly afterwards as the electricity coursing through my arms forced my muscles to contract my fingers around the cans. My reactive bank was discharging though at great risk to my physical body. At an instant I became aware of something I had not suspected. A fourth Wall of Fire. In my theta vision a burning wall was about to engulf me. There was no negotiating around it or with it. I as-ised it in an instant, blowing it by inspection. Then I saw another, followed by another. Another 42 Walls of Fire rushed in on me - all of which I as-ised in an instant. All the while my bank was discharging. I realized that I had exteriorised during this process. I looked at my body. It was shaking and contorting like something possessed. I could even smell something cooking with my theta perception of smell. The process had reached my earliest goals on the track, made when I was at my most powerful. The final discharge came. I heard an explosion with my theta hearing while at the same time I saw my MEST body flying backwards across the room, no longer connected to the cans. I saw my body crash into the back wall and then fall in a heap on the ground. It was still breathing. Should I simply leave the body to its own fate? No - it still had uses for me. I would keep it. I put out a healing beam and the body seemed to be in a less stressful state. It would survive, I concluded, if a little damaged. When I was sure I re-entered the body through the simple process of feeling some sympathy with it. I had broken through to the final and ultimate state of OT Googolplex and I was back. My New View of the World It is difficult to describe in words what it is like to be OT Googolplex. There are no words to describe the feeling of peace and tranquillity it gives you. The universe appears to be one of peace and something to marvel constantly. A drop of rain falling on a leaf, for example, seems like something to be treasured for all time. The supposed war between theta and MEST mostly does not exist. Instead there is a harmony that pervades the whole of existence. It is only when you have complexity that a confusion results. The whole of existence would be something to sing about apart from that. Unfortunately existence is being spoiled by groups of people that seek to dominate others. This is madness. If only people would stop and look at the universe around them. It is surely the most beautiful of all possible creations. Roland